Requesting Access via the Identity Shoppe
- The first step to requesting access in the Identity Shoppe is to first make your way to the MGS located here Marriott Global Source (MGS) [Hold Ctrl and left click the link or right click and copy the hyperlink and paste it into your preferred web browser ie. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, IE, etc.]
- Once the hyperlink above is clicked it should take you to a sign-in page. Please proceed to click on the “Sign-in” option.
- Log in using your Marriott EID credentials
- Once logged in you should reach the landing page below (Fig. A)
Figure A (Click on the option circled in red, “Identity Shoppe”)
- Click on the Identity Shoppe option circled above.
- It should then lead you to the following page (Fig. B)
Figure B (Click on the Identity Shoppe link circled in red above)
- Once on the page above please click on the hyperlink circled in red.
- Once the Identity Shoppe Hyperlink is clicked it should lead to the following page below (Fig. C)
Figure C (Scroll down and click on the option circled in red above, “Request or Manage Access for Others”)
- Click on the option, “Request or Manage Access for Others”
10. You should then be led to the page shown below (Fig. D)
Figure D (Click on, “My Organization” followed by searching the end-user by name in the search bar, then clicking on the “Manage” option to the right once their profile is located.)
11. Click on, “My Organization” to load the user profiles, and conduct a search for the user using the search bar below the option you just clicked. Once the user is found click on, “Manage” which appears to the right in blue
12. On the next screen, choose the option, “Add New Access” as shown circled in red below (Fig. E)
Figure E (Click on the “Add New Access” option shown above circled in red)
13. You are then led to the following page below (Fig. F)
Figure F
14. Once on the page presented in Figure F, search for the application or system you need access to and simply click on it
Figure G (Once you click on the application or system you need access to you should be presented with the screen above, click on “Request New Account”
15. As shown above in Figure G, you will have the option to request a new account once you click on your chosen application/system
16. Once you click on “Request a New Account” it will take you to another page where you will then need to fill out a form and simply submit it
Once submitted on the form page you should receive a “successfully submitted” notification.
Success, you’ve submitted a request via the Identity Shoppe! From here the form will be sent to the appropriate party for approval.
Version: Saviynt v2020.1.2
SOP Version: 1.0.0